This is the horizon. It is probably here because it is an applicable metaphor.
So here I was, struggling to find something innovative to say about the importance of digital collaboration and inter-networking for today's (and in many cases, yesterday's) teacher, when I run across this quote from a recent post by our friend Mr. Chamberlain from At The Teacher's Desk, a great blog that stands as a fine example of such collaboration. To wit:
The one question that is most important has nothing to do with hardware or software. It is the one thing I can control: How will my school change for the better because I am here?Allow me to repeat his question for emphasis: "How will my school change for the better because I am here?"
I could write more about the value of digital student portfolios, or connecting accross cultures with Skype, or sharing methods and strategies with an heretofore unimaginable and practically limitless team of passionate educators who are fully engaged in the evolution of education, but I hope we all agree on that by now. (If not, Dr. Strange kindly requests you re-enroll.) It's a brave new world, but it's always going to be a brave new world, because that's just how time works, and we have to keep up.
The "Brave New World" -- when Aldous Huxley named his Utopian parody (mentioned in a previous post), he alluded ironically to Miranda's quote from Shakespeare's "The Tempest."
How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world! That has such people in't!Once more with feeling: How will your school change for the better because you are there?
Funny, I asked myself that question just the other day....