Tuesday, November 3, 2009


ACCESS bannerWhat is ACCESS? Short answer: an acronym for the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide program. Better answer: ACCESS is an initiative launched in 2004 to implement distance learning in Alabama high schools, offering students greater curricular opportunity and flexibility. Students can freely access (see how that works?) more advanced studies (such as AP and dual-credit courses), courses of study otherwise unavailable to them, and remedial and supplemental resources, while teachers can access (there it is again!) multimedia content and resources to enhance instruction.

ACCESS hopes, eventually, to prove a "21st century distance learning classroom for every Alabama high school," serving 45,000 students. This classroom would include:

• Cameras and projectors
• Interactive, portable, wireless whiteboards
• At least 25 tablet computers
• Wireless connectivity
• Installation, on-site service, warranty, technical support, and equipment training/reference materials
• Specialized training for administrators, guidance counselors, and other school personnel on the project, and well as "E-teachers."

Anyone else think it's interesting that ACCESS thinks their model 21st century classroom should offer all of the above (instead of, for example, chalk and fire ants) and yet, the 21st century is already 10% kaput? The phrase "21st century," meant as shorthand for THE FANTASTIC WORLD OF TOMORROW, had a sell-by date, and it's starting to sour.